How to Build an Amazing Mobile Workbench with April Wilkerson

Looking to transform your garage into a functional workspace? April Wilkerson has designed a mobile workbench that not only maximizes space but also offers versatility for any project. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of building a mobile workbench, complete with a hidden feature that allows it to fold back into itself when not in use.

Materials and Tools Needed

  • 3/4″ Plywood
  • Wood Glue (DAP Weldwood Professional Wood Glue)
  • Brad Nails
  • Casters
  • Hinges
  • Tu by material for filling
  • Flush Trim Bit
  • Palm Router
  • CNC (optional for mortises)
  • Circular Saw
  • Multi-tool
  • Drill
  • Screws

Step 1: Build the Pedestal for Side Cabinets

Start by constructing the pedestal for the side cabinets using 3/4″ plywood. This method involves applying wood glue, pre-drilling holes, and securing everything with screws. Remember to create two identical side cabinets, mirroring their designs for a polished look.

Building the pedestal for the side cabinets

Step 2: Assemble the Cabinets

Once the pedestals are done, assemble the cabinets that will sit atop. By designing the toe kick area as a platform, you can nest the parts more efficiently and level the platform separately for better stability.

Assembling the cabinets

Step 3: Attach the Pedestal to the Cabinets

Flip both cabinet units on their backs for easier access and secure the pedestal to the bottom. Pre-drilling from the pedestal into the cabinet ensures accurate alignment.

Attaching the pedestal to the cabinets

Step 4: Create the Cabinet Doors

Next, it’s time to make the doors. If you have a CNC, use it to drill out the mortises for the hinges. If not, consider purchasing a jig for precision. When installing the hinges, lay the cabinet on its back so the door can rest flat, making it easier to secure the hinge screws.

Creating the cabinet doors

Step 5: Build the Workbench Top

For the workbench surface, April recommends using a hollow core door as it is both inexpensive and strong. Cut it to size and fill the hollow with a piece of Tu by material for added stability. After securing it with glue and nails, apply a sheet of material on top for a flat surface.

Building the workbench top

Step 6: Trim the Workbench Surface

Once the glue has dried, use a flush trim bit and a palm router to ensure a clean edge. To enhance aesthetics, add a perimeter trim using 1x boards, combining wood glue and CA glue for secure attachment.

Trimming the workbench surface

Step 7: Add the Workbench ‘Ears’

Flip the workbench top over and attach ‘ears’ using pocket holes. This allows the workbench to connect seamlessly with the base cabinets. Move the base cabinets into place and align the ears for attachment.

Adding the workbench ears

Step 8: Build the Center Cabinet

Now, start constructing a larger center cabinet that will fit inside the workbench. Secure the sides and flip it to attach casters for mobility. Attach the doors by laying the cabinet on its side for easier access.

Building the center cabinet

Step 9: Final Assembly

Bring in the second work surface and rest it on top of the center cabinet. Secure everything in place, ensuring that all components fit snugly and work together harmoniously.

Final assembly of the workbench

Step 10: Test the Mechanism

Finally, test the mobile workbench to ensure it operates as intended. Adjust the casters if necessary to prevent any issues when pulling it in and out of the garage.

Testing the mobile workbench

And there you have it! A fully functional, mobile workbench that can be easily stored away when not in use. April Wilkerson has made this project approachable for anyone looking to enhance their workspace. Get the plans here.


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