In this guide, Matt Bork from Bork Wood shares a stylish and functional project to create a modern coat rack using air-dried walnut. This coat rack design is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any foyer or mudroom.

Materials Needed:
- Air-dried walnut wood
- Dowel rod
- Wipe-on poly for finishing
- Wood glue
- Paste wax
Tools Required:
- Miter saw
- Table saw with crosscut sled
- Joiner
- Planer
- Drill press
- Orbital sander
- Router
- Vice
Step 1: Selecting and Cutting the Wood
Matt began by selecting some air-dried walnut. He cut the wood in half using the miter saw.
Step 2: Preparing the Boards
Next, he cut two pieces to exact lengths before planing the boards flat on both sides.
Step 3: Squaring the Edges
Using the joiner, Matt squared one side of the boards and then ripped the boards to their final dimensions.
Step 4: Setting Up for Cuts
Matt then set up a stop block on the table saw for two-inch cuts, alternating with a one-inch spacer board.
Step 5: Angling the Pieces
Using the miter saw, he cut a forty-five-degree angle on each end of each piece.
Step 6: Measuring for Assembly
After cutting, Matt measured where the movable pieces would intersect with the stationary pieces, finding the center point for alignment.
Step 7: Drilling Holes
He set up stop blocks on the drill press to create repeatable holes for the dowel rod.
Step 8: Testing Fit
Matt performed a test fit with the dowel rod but realized the angles didn’t work. He returned to the miter saw to trim a bit from the inside corner.
Step 9: Sanding the Small Pieces
Using an orbital sander and a vice, he smoothed out all the small pieces for a fine finish.
Step 10: Finishing the Wood
For the finish, Matt applied three coats of wipe-on poly, enhancing the walnut’s natural beauty.
Step 11: Assembly
Assembly proved challenging until he decided to use paste wax, which made the tight fit easier. He only needed to glue the end pieces to secure everything in place.
Step 12: Adding Keyhole Slots
Finally, Matt used a router to create keyhole slots on each end and in the middle for easy mounting on the wall.
And there you have it! A beautiful, modern walnut coat rack that is both stylish and functional. Thanks to Matt Bork for sharing this detailed woodworking project!