How to Build Wooden Jack-O-Lanterns

This project is by Wordsnwood (Art Mulder). This DIY project is not only budget-friendly but also allows you to add a personal touch to your home decor.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Start with two five-foot long fence boards, which can be easily found at your local home center. If you want a rustic look, consider using old barn boards or pallet wood.

Fence boards used for the project

Step 2: Create a 3D Sketch

Before cutting, make a simple 3D sketch to visualize your jack-o-lanterns and determine how much wood you’ll need.

Step 3: Cut the Front and Back Pieces

Cut out the front and back of each pumpkin. For this project, use three different heights: one at nine inches, another at seven inches, and the last at six and a half inches. Be sure to cut off any split ends from the boards.

Cutting the pieces for the pumpkins

Step 4: Draw Faces on the Pumpkins

With your wife or a friend, draw faces on the boards. Ensure that the faces are positioned away from the edges and slightly up from the bottom so that the LED candle doesn’t shine through the mouth.

Drawing faces on the pumpkins

Step 5: Cut Out the Faces

Drill holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth, then use a jigsaw or scroll saw to cut out the shapes. If you use a jigsaw, be cautious as it can be tricky for tight corners.

Cutting out the faces with a jigsaw

Step 6: Sand the Edges

Once the faces are cut out, use a file or rasp and some sandpaper to smooth the edges and clean up the corners.

Sanded pieces of the pumpkins

Step 7: Cut Out the Side Panels

Cut side panels for the pumpkins, making them slightly shallower from front to back for a better shape.

Cutting side panels for the pumpkins

Step 8: Assemble the Pumpkins

Use a hammer and finishing nails, or a nail gun, to assemble the pumpkins. You may also want to use glue for added stability.

Assembling the pumpkins with a nail gun

Step 9: Create the Tops

Using the leftover fence boards, cut three tops for the pumpkins. Ensure they overhang slightly at the front.

Cutting tops for the pumpkins

Step 10: Add Stems

For the stems, use offcuts from the side panels and cut them into interesting angles before gluing and screwing them onto the tops.

Adding stems to the pumpkins

Step 11: Make a Base (Optional)

If desired, create a base for the pumpkins using scrap wood. This adds stability and a finished look.

Creating a base for the pumpkins

Step 12: Drill Recesses for Candles

To ensure the LED candles sit properly, drill shallow recesses in the base of the pumpkins.

Drilling recesses for LED candles

Step 13: Paint the Pumpkins

Use acrylic paint to color the pumpkins bright orange and the base a contrasting gray. Let everything dry completely.

Painting the pumpkins

Step 14: Final Assembly and Display

Once everything is dry, place LED candles inside and display your beautiful wooden jack-o-lanterns!

Finished wooden jack-o-lanterns



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